Laparoscopic Myomectomy Workshop Course • 3rd Park Hospital
Laparoscopic Myomectomy Workshop

Laparoscopic Myomectomy Workshop

Hysterectomy is the most common laparoscopic procedure done by the gynecologists. In recent times it is now known beyond doubt that the route of choice of this procedure should be either vaginal or laparoscopic.

Dates28th to 29th April 2023Duration2 Days

More about this course

For centuries the preferred surgery for females with fibroids had been hysterectomy. With recent changes, myomectomy is becoming a regularly done procedure for these benign growths. This course will provide a comprehensive review of the principles and techniques of various modalities of uterine-preserving myomectomy for fibroids. There will be didactic lectures, demos, video presentations and practical sessions, including live surgeries, covering minimal invasive myomectomy various techniques to allow surgical outcome will be discussed and demonstrated. The faculty will also discuss appropriate workup and patient selection for the OR and how to counsel and manage the patients post operatively.

Hysterectomy is the most common laparoscopic procedure done by the gynecologists. In recent times it is now known beyond doubt that the route of choice of this procedure should be either vaginal or laparoscopic. Here we discuss Hysterectomy by the Lap route, right from the basis of case selection to the procedure details, post op care and management of complications.


This course exposed the trainees to the following: 

  • To complete an appropriate training for for myomectomy.
  • To choose an appropriate route of surgery for various fibroid pathology.
  • To describe instruments + surgical techniques for various approaches to myomectomy.
  • To counsel the patients on risks of lap myomectomy.
  • To properly execute a lap hysterectomy procedure.


This workshop is strongly recommended for registrars/residents and doctors interested in advancing their skill in Gyn MIS.

COURSE DATE: 28th April 2023 and 29th April 2023


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