Meet Our Medical Team

Experienced and talented doctors covering a wide variety of specialities.

alka dodhia uai

Alka Dodhia

Expert Medical Lab Technologist
dr mohit bhandari 1 uai

Dr. Mohit Bhandari

Bariatric Surgeon
dr george f jumba uai

Dr. George F. Jumba

General Surgeon & Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgeon
dr vibhavari patel uai

Dr. Vibhavari Patel

Consultant Anaesthesiologist
dr joseph njagi uai

Dr. Joseph Njagi

Consultant OBGYN
dr aideed kahie uai

Dr. Aideed Kahie

dr devi mongare uai

Dr. Devi Mongare

Consultant Anaesthesiologist
dr yamal patel uai

Dr. Yamal Patel

Consultant OBGYN
dr prafullchandra patel uai

Dr. Prafull C. Patel

Consultant OBGYN
dr roshni ajmera uai

Dr. Roshni Ajmera

Consultant Anaesthesiologist
dr deepa patel uai

Dr. Deepa Patel


Best Private Hospital in Nairobi

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